Is weight training bad for golfers?

Wondered if any of you could help clear up some confusion. I've heard all sorts of different opinions on this, some saying that it squeezes out the fluidity in the swing, but some saying that it adds power and clubhead speed which obviously promotes more distance. Haven't got a clue whether or not it damages your game, but surely if some of the top pros in the world visit the gym on a regular basis it can't be that harmful?




it's not harmful but it's kinda useless in golf. In golf we train for the flexibility of the body and not the strength of the muscles. More shoulder rotation, more hips rotation are important is increasing your swing speed. People think swinging fast is the the same as swinging hard. No, it's not the same. In golf we need to swing fast not swinging hard. There are many videos on youtube on golf workout. One of the workout is using a medicine ball. Vijay Singh used to practice with this workout.

If you use mere power in golf, it's what happening to Tiger Woods. He's getting old and his muscles are not in the condition what they are used to be. Some older golfers like Ernie Els or Phil Mickelson uses less muscles and rely more the fluidity of the swing. And you see their swing is just as good as it was 10 years ago. Golf is 80% technique and 20% mere power.

Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!2016-08-11T05:20:33Z

It's not harmful at all; I've started using a golf-specific weight routine and I've gained 10-15 yards off the tee as a result which isn't bad given I'm in my 40's. It's focused on using golf muscles and strengthening your core AND flexibility. It's about being a bit fitter and maintaining strength.


Weight training is good for golfers because weight training is good for everyone. It "squeezes out the fluidity in the swing" sounds like the old "you will get musclebound" canard to me.



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