How can i travel in the USA without being imprisoned?

From the number of prisoners, the liability of being imprisoned
is in the USA more than ten times as big as it is in Germany.
So, I fear of course to become imprisoned, when travelling in the USA.
How can I avoid?


Favorite Answer

Have enough money to pay all fines. True you will be put in jail overnight then see the judge & told how much bribe to deposit to leave jail. That is not prison. Avoid contact with the American cops. Never speak to one. Avoid eye contact with them. If you see one up the street step into a store remain there till it leaves.Always remember they are armed & mental so try to stay calm act as submisive as possable around them that strokes there ego. Good luck in America.


I have lived in the USA for 67 of my 70 years. I have never been arrested or imprisoned. I do not carry a gun or any weapon. I avoid places with a bad reputation. You can do that, too. Very few visitors make trouble.


The easiest way to not be arrested or imprisoned after you are found guilty of something is to not break the law.

Adam J2016-08-15T00:28:42Z

The liklihood that you'll wind up in legal trouble if you come to the US is actually vanishingly small. Just don't break any laws and you'll be fine.

boy boy2016-08-14T07:41:38Z

I have travelled to 36 states ...driven around America twice ....walked through central park alone at night...apart from speeding fines never had any problems...99% of shootings are americans.killing americans .....very sad....walk like a man

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