will Hillary in her first 100 days make all the illegals democratic voters?

will this and SOJ will kill the republicans forever this for never trump


if she appoints 2 or 3 new liberal judges .
the constitution means nothing.
Obama proved that.
cases will be brought to the court.
libs vote in her favor.


Close, but not all. You assume those with 87 million AK-47's will just sit down and beg for mercy.

Rise of Iron2016-08-16T10:52:31Z

Shouldn't matter. Hillary and Obama have both set precedent that our leaders don't have to enforce laws. Go ahead and make them all registered voters...then watch governors in red states decide they don't have to enforce election laws thanks to Obama and Hillary.

Greasy Tony2016-08-16T10:47:22Z


She's going to work on creating more jobs in America. Visit her site instead of listening to those right wing talking heads.


she's NOT winning - she will have no 100 days


With what authority vested in the office of the President would she accomplish this bold plan?

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