Does the Queen have breakfast, lunch, and the occasional 7 course dinner? Break that down, for her age??


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I can answer in part and yes she does have breakfast which consists of cereal, cornflakes, rice crispies, or coco pops, etc. I remember reading an article where this journalist got a job as a footman and he said he could have easily tampered with her cereal in tupperware boxes, he was exposing how easy it was to get a job as one of the gophers and get close enough to the Queen to possibly do her harm. This was more than 15 years ago when I read this, it's probably not the same now but her food preference probably hasn't changed, mine hasn't that much.


The Queen does not eat seven course dinners. Three to four courses are the usual fare for state dinners these days. The Queen eats moderately, favoring cereals for breakfast. She has lunch and dinner, as well as tea.


Queen has three meals a day . She would not have seven course dinners regularly but occasionally she would. At her age she would have only a small portion of each course.


We've discussed this before, and recently. It's been clear for some time that you little trolls are running out of questions. Evidently, your limited imaginations are being rather badly taxed.

Not even state dinners comprise 7 courses. Scroll down on the site below for the menu of the dinner served for the state visit of the President of the China. I posted it not too long ago, so do try to remember it, dear. It's a bore to have to look for it again merely because some people have forgotten and apparently don't know how to use the search function:


She is known to be a moderate eater, and does not have 7 course dinners.

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