Mylan EpiPen Outrage?

On the news lately the huge price hike in the EpiPens owned my Mylan is a big deal. Why can't another company sell a different brand of the medicine and compete with Mylan so the prices don't get so outrageous?


For a device like the EpiPen, both the drug and delivery system have to go through FDA trials. It is incredibly expensive to comply with FDA regulations needed to bring new drugs and medical devices to market. This is why investing in Pharma is so risky in the stock market. If it doesn't pass trials, they are out billions of dollars. The only reason most companies even try is because they are allowed to be a sole supplier for a period of time during which they can jack up the prices to recover the cost of bringing it to market. Chances are the stockholders in the company that makes it were not happy with the profits and pushed the board of directors to raise prices.


oh, cry me a river.

when you have UNREGULATED capitalism as we do in America (thanks to the GOP mostly... they've filibustered EACH AND EVERY attempt Democrats have made to restrain the unbridled greed of American businesses) this is what you get.

corporate executives are allowed to basically say to the people "you want your child to survive? PAY UP SUCKA!"

so, America, keep electing Republicans to congress. "the FREE MARKET is the BEST solution to the health care problems".

you deserve what you get, fools.

edit @ "Big" - gawd you are a moron. you don't recognize sarcasm when you read it.

aside from that, the goal of EVERY capitalist is to establish a monopoly. Mylan has effectively done that. YOUFUCKINGCONSERVATIVES are the ones who've made that possible.


One day americans will wake uo to our anti citizen goverment, and one day we will rise up and start burning down big pharm labs. All they do is get people addicted to their poison pills and make money...hat ***** bytch who is the coe went from 2 million a year to 19 million a year due to the price hike?....burn her house down for that shite....but let the courts d3cideher anti american fate...***** cyunt

Wes: i dont give thumbs down2016-08-24T16:00:10Z

because of copyrights/patents, businesses keep renewing and buying them and force others to not reinvent or improve the technology. These jerks only care about money, they do not care about helping people


6 times as much, and it's not the medicine, it's just the cost of the pen which is only good for 1 year.

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