Trump said yesterday in Phoenix, that he would make Mexico "Pay for the wall".?

1.How does any country's president make another country do anything, unless he is willing to attack Mexico?

2. And why did he lie, that the President of Mexico, and he, did not talk about that, when indeed they did???


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He can't, and his proposals to do so would never make it through congress.


Trump did not discuss the wall/payment....the Pres. of Mexico brought up the subject....Trump did not respond. That means there was no 'discussion'. A 'discussion' implies that there is a back and forth exchange.....there was not. Your apology is accepted.


LOL. The Mexican president told him they would NOT pay for his wall. Trump is an idiot. The problem is that Americans tend to believe his Bull Sh!t.


There are probably lots of ways, some of which are impractical, and some of which are reasonably easily implemented.

I wouldn't be surprised if we send money to Mexico for purposes that would permit us to reduce the amounts sent and re-direct them to border security. That sounds exactly like the kind of result Barack Obama would use an executive order to accomplish.


The speech in Mexico said nothing about any wall.

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