Several of Donald Trump’s most prominent Hispanic supporters are reconsidering their support after his speech on immigration Wednesday.?

Jacob Monty, attorney in Houston, resigned from the Republican candidate’s National Hispanic Advisory Council .

“I was a strong supporter of Donald Trump when I believed he was going to address the immigration problem realistically and compassionately.”

If his own people are leaving him, why aren't you???


You bought this Nonesense? Just look at this part:

“I was a strong supporter of Donald Trump when I believed he was going to address the immigration problem realistically and compassionately.”

What exactly was it that made him think that about Trump until now? Before last night, Trump 's position was they ALL gotta go on Day One no ifs ands or buts.

You don't see this cillibean is a way bigger phony than Hillary????


Many Hispanics choose to see this as a race issue. That's disgusting. Would they be demanding compassion for others? I think not! They certainly don't have any for struggling US citizens.


I don't make my decisions based on what some one else is going to do. I'm not voting for Trump but that nothing to do with who is or isn't supporting him.


I'm tired of worrying about the feelings of illegal Hispanics. An American president has the obligation to look after the interests of the citizens of his own country first.


we'll do what we can on that .. the 'mexican' issue is centuries old .. the real threat is pumping in the camel jockies by our corrupt globalist establishment trying to wreck our nationalism like they did in europe and that needs a hard line approach without question ... you either get trump in there or get ready for sharia law abiding people living next door to you and YOU getting the shitty end of the stick if theres any problems at all ...

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