Why did no leading Republican come to the RNC where Trump won the nomination.... Not one.... Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc., etc.?

Why did not one of them show up? Why have none of them enthusiastically support him now?

Mr. Smartypants2016-09-01T17:17:49Z

Favorite Answer

They didn't want to be associated with the biggest mistake their party has ever made. They wanted to make it clear they had nothing to do with it.

Now, why didn't GW Bush come? That's a different reason! The last Republican president (maybe the last ever!) is such a disgrace that they won't even invite him to their conventions!

J M2016-09-01T17:32:01Z

Because Trump is an embarrassment to the entire country. Every loyal American knows that ultimately the wellbeing of the country takes precedence over the political ambition of a party.


How about one of the ex-Presidents? Because Trump is far from a main-stream Republican. He is more of a main-stream clown. As much as I detest Hillary, she is probably the next POTUS. However, a Trump Presidency would be so entertaining!!!


Because even they are smart enough to see Trump for the national embarrassment that he is.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992016-09-02T12:56:25Z

The party of Mammon may be greedy and self serving but they do have some self respect.

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