Should I keep dating her or get out now?

I'm dating this girl, we seem to hit it off but then she gets an infinity love symbol on her leg of her dead ex. She said she did it for the kids but it reads "love you, until we meet again"

She said she didn't know what the symbol met, that she just liked the look of it.

BUT why would anyone get a symbol permanently tattooed to their body without finding out what it means first?

She said it was for her kids who are 6 and 8 but I can think of countless things off the top of my head that would have been better then getting ink on your body to make your kids happy..

Anyway what do you all think, should I stay or should I go?

Honestly i'm not comfortable of someone getting a tattoo showing their endless love for another man on their body while I am dating them....


End it now. She shouldn't have a tattoo about loving another guy.

