You ever noticed how when a very appealing girl walks in a room other girls will stare and gaze at her more than guys do? If the girl gets up and goes to another side of the room other girls will follow her around the room like there in a trance even putting themselves in between a guy and her as if their protecting her keeping guys away from her.
Are Girls Naturally Gay or Naturally Ball Blockers?
Favorite Answer
LOL. Females (in the US, at least) are socialized to compete with each other for male attention. If a woman appears in a social setting, that is seen as desirable, other women will typically become preoccupied with her because they are jealous. Some women (who are confident in their own beauty and don't live for comparison--not the majority) will look to admire, because beauty is beauty.
I'm a girl, I don't mind gays or lesbians, I have my own opinion about that (I support love, even between two men or two women, but when it comes to children my thoughts are different..but nevermind). I have never kissed a girl, I never wanted to. I think I would throw up if a girl kissed me, ok kiss me like a friend but not on the mouth xD As I said, I really don't mind gays and lesbians but I don't feel any attraction towards girls and I never did. So no, girls are not naturally gay ;)
So you're saying that all men are naturally straight as if sexuality was fluid?sounds so much like a tumblrina writing and arrogant as well,so it proves gynocracy for the most part :-/. That means women think that showing out their boobs on public will attract all men to do what they want.
We've already got one regular in GS with this fixation. I think it's unlikely you will have the dedication that that guy has. If you want to commit to this position, you have to be up asking this question several times a day, seven days per week, 52 weeks per year. Do you honestly think you've got it in you?