Is it pretty obvious? Democrat elitists have chosen Keith Scott to be their next Michael Brown-Ferguson fiasco to help on election day.?

Every left wing news entity is starting to push the Keith Scott unjustified killing narrative now.

I bet someone convinced the Chief Kerr not to release the video to the public "out of respect" because that would demonstrate that shooting him was more than likely justified if not definitively proving that it was justified.

I don't think it's going to work as effectively this time though because I think a lot blacks feel like they made fools of themselves over the Brown fiasco, and don't really want to do that again.

Besides, there are a few key things, the policeman was black himself, Keith Scott had a gun and refused to cooperate with police. That doesn't really say innocent black man hunted down by racists to me, and I doubt that it does to any but the most naive, and stupid of black people, i.e. the youth that aren't that far our of school, if even out of school yet.


It will be sad only if it works. You can't just assume that it will work. I think it's just going to end up being a lot of wasted money and time trying to ignite something using the Keith Scott incident, and no matter how much everyone not Fox tries to spin it as something black Americans are concerned about, I think it will largely just be paid protesters and naive youths who don't really know any better and think they're supporting some cause.



We're so lucky that trigger happy conservative morons keep shooting and killing innocent people.... to make a point for liberals.

J M2016-09-22T16:18:10Z

Oh bull. They do not want to release it because it doesn't show the shooting was justified. They are embarrassed.

Mr. Mackey2016-09-22T14:32:49Z

I mean, clearly.



This is sad.

