How can the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe and the perception of time going faster "fit" into the Flower of Life?


The flower of life.....hmmm
So many terms. What is this flower? The matrix maybe?

If I was to's like imagining you are backing up....everything expands as you do so...and you are also experiencing a heightened sense of being. Almost like being on "speed". But seeing all things clearly with so much added information flowing through you at once...
----a need for cognitive "knowing", has to occur and does.

If you ask a question, that invites expansion.... hold on for the ride.


I find a little bit of wine, some Marvin Gaye playing on the stereo, and a nice bearskin rug in front of a fireplace helps.


The answer is: 42

Turn it up! Bring the Derp!!!2016-09-30T01:56:00Z

Using a crow bar and a bit of grease, I suppose.

Campbell Hayden2016-09-30T01:54:36Z

With `petals`

*or* by petalling very fast.