Democrats, Why would I want my employer to have to pay higher taxes? instead of paying less taxes myself?

The Taxpayer2016-09-30T14:22:08Z

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The other point is; Trump made his money contributing to society. The Clintons made theirs by selling influence and off you...the taxpayer.


Well, if he doesn't pay his taxes, yours will go up, not down, because nothing else is going to go down.
Not the cost of electricity or paper or computers or food. Or any of the things that the government buys from private businesses. So costs will, at best, remain the same. And someone is going to have to pay for that.
If not your employer then you. Trickle down is supposed to work because the wealthy will have more money to invest. But they don't invest it. They may not have a business that requires hiring people, or that can expand, or they simply put it in the bank. So we're giving them more money, and they're just getting richer. It stays in their pockets.


Liberals cant even answer a simple question. I didnt ask why my employer shouldnt pay taxes. The couldn't even understand the question.

J M2016-09-30T15:21:17Z

It depends on your employer's income. Your employer makes money from the infrastructure we have all paid for with our tax money, Since he is profiting from "our" investment more than you, it is not unreasonable to expect him to pay a larger share.

Luke Tony2016-09-30T14:13:13Z

So you don't want to pay less taxes?

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