How to teach a toddler practical piano?

My children are 2 y 10 mo. They know solfege from LM and would run to the piano and play do, re, mi... I play and prefer to teach them myself but I have found it difficult to teach them in a consistent way. So, we haven't gotten very far compared to English and Math, which have their own challenges in terms of content and how to present lessons that are fun with lots of self-learning. Teaching piano is very different again. What has worked for you in developing musicianship in your little ones?


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As a pianist you know that one needs finger strength and hand coordination. One place you can start is by teaching Kodaly as it develops rhythm. One example of Kodaly is "phant, phant, elephant" and have the kids clap as they are repeating the phrase.


YouTube video tutorials are good. Also buying a little toy piano works too


They'll have to be retrained, because they don't have the finger strength for proper form. They can learn about music though while playing around.