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Tips on teaching toddlers to walk.?

Teaching a toddler how to walk

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    How old is the child. They can start using a walker as soon as they can sit up on their own.

    My kids didn't start walking until after their first birthday. I decided one day that there was no reason why my kids shouldn't be walking. So I sat it the floor holding them. I sat right in front of the couch (close enough that the child didn't' have to take a step to reach out and grab the couch. After they grabbed the couch I moved them back just far enough so they had to stretch to grab the couch. They would stretch out and grab the couch and then slowly they moved their feet up so they weren't stretched out. Then I moved back so they had to take a full one step to get to the couch. They started walking on that day. Each time they got to the couch I moved them back a little bit more. But if the child can't pull themsleves up while holding on to something they are not ready to walk. Also they have to be able to walk along a table of couch or something while holding on before they will walk freely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't force it until they are ready but with my son he always wanted to be on the go. He stood at 7 1/2 months and was walking by 9. My hubby and I used to sit a few inches apart and just kind of help him walk between us letting go a little more each time. then once he got the hang of that we would scoot farther apart. He got the hang of it pretty quick. Also he had one of those push cars that has the handle in the back that he used to push around. That helped a lot too. They have all sorts of them now. I've seen Micky, spider man, cars, go diego go ect. All kinds of cute ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most babies learn to walk between twelve to fifteen months, and lot of factors determine the age at which a baby walks alone: inheritance probably plays the largest role, followed by ambition, heaviness, how well the child can get places by creeping, illnesses and bad experience.

    You don't have to do anything to teach your child to walk. When your child's muscle, nerves, and spirits are ready, you won' be able to stop her/him.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You need to read to him a lot, keep the TV off (infants and toddlers who watch TV tend to be behind in language skills) and talk to him often. Talk about things you see in the backyard, ask him questions about a picture in a book, encourage him to repeat word you say ("you want more water? Say "more".). You can also start teaching him animal noises and to identify parts of his body. That may get his brain working on making the language connections.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hold there hands slightly up, and help them place one foot in front of the other, but don't force them to walk more than they are comfortable, their muscles have not developed yet, and are not strong enough to support their weight.

    Source(s): Helped with my younger brother and two younger sisters
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only advice i can give is to give it time the baby will learn on its own when its ready or you can try putting its bottle on a small coffee table so it can pull itself up to a standing position and go from there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be in front of your child and let your child grip a your index fingers and try to make them walk by slowly walking backward while they try to move their legs...sorry if i'm not being descriptive enough

  • 1 decade ago

    Getting an exosaucer (the imobile ones not the walkers they are extremely dangerous) strengthens legs and balance and gives them confidence. That gets them walking much faster.

  • once he's pulling himself up by holding onto furniture, etc., place a toy, blankie, paci, whatever he really loves a bit away and see if he takes off for it. that's what we did with my daughter and she walked at 10 months.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get one of those little ride on cars that you can unfold into a walker

    Source(s): 4 sons
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