What are some college majors that pertain to me?

I would like a career that I really enjoy. Money isn t everything, but a decent amount would be nice. In the past, I ve thought about being an auto technician, maybe a P.E. teacher, and maybe a film maker. I want to go get my degree after high school, and find an enjoyable job, I m just not sure what. Any help? And don t say engineering, I m bad at math


Of the jobs you listed, the best paid is probably PE Teacher. The most in demand is auto tech, but you can make your PE degree be highly in demand by adding on an in-demand secondary specialization, such as special ed.

Filmmakers normally make very little, if anything at all. You'd need a day job, anyway, while you tried to make it as a filmmaker, so why not let that day job be one of your other choices, such as PE teacher? Do PE for your major. Get that secondary specialization as I'd mentioned. And take some film classes as well. Then, when you graduate, work as a PE teacher, and use your free time to make films. See where it all takes you.

Many PE teachers also do things on the side to earn extra money, such as working as a personal trainer, or working as a private teacher in their favorite sport (such as a golf instructor, or karate instructor, or etc.) Many also coach, which brings in more income. It's something to think about.

Regardless, once you get to college, go to the career center. They have resources there that can help you figure out which careers might suit you, and from there, you can research each one, and pick the appropriate major.


You are going about this all backwards. You do NOT pick a major, and then hope you can find a job with that degree. Instead, you decide what you want to DO (pretty much every day, for the rest of your life), and pursue the education that will prepare you for that job..

Here is a plan. It will take a while, but the confidence you will gain in your future plans will be worth the effort:
1. Go to the counseling office, or the advisory office at your local community college, and arrange for two tests: an aptitude test, and an "interest inventory". The first suggests careers based on your strongest natural skills, and the second suggests careers based on your interests -- as compared to the interests of people who are successfully employed in those fields.

You are looking for careers that appear on BOTH lists.

2. From those fields (those that appear on BOTH lists), research the training/education/licensure/certification that is required for employment in those fields. Some may require only a 2-year degree; others may require a PhD; still others may not require college at all. Remove those from the list that require more education than you are willing to undertake.

3. Research the 10-year employment outlook, and salary range for those careers. Cross off the careers that have a poor employment outlook, or that do not pay a decent salary.

4. For the careers you are still considering, research which schools -- schools that you can afford -- offer that training/etc. These are the colleges you will consider, apply to more than one.

5. Be sure you file a FAFSA in January of your senior year. This form goes to a government agency that figures out how much money you/your family is expected to contribute to your first year of college, and whether you are eligible for any federally-based financial aid. They send that information to the schools you indicate on the form, and THE SCHOOLS decide which aid to offer you. Each school's offer will be different.

6. Compare financial aid offers from the schools to which you have been accepted, and select the one that gives you the most bang for your buck.


Uhh, the three things you listed are extremely different lol. They each require different degrees.. so if you could narrow them down to one that'll make you extremely happy, then it'd be easier to find which major to jump into. It's hard to help you out with such little info lol is there anything else you like? Or what do you like doing MOST? Or.. what's your best subject in school?


I would never say engineering for some one that have trade school and film on their short list.

It boils down to what do you love to do?