Does Anyone Actually Believe the Kim K. Robbery Was Not a Setup?


Seems to obvious she had some people rob her on purpose to collect the insurance money.

What You Talkin' About?2016-10-04T11:24:19Z

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...believe the Kim K. robbery was not a setup???

(Meaning I believe it was a setup or a media stunt. I noticed no major networks covered it on the evening news last night.)



(I could have left this at Yes since you asked a question that can be easily answered Yes or no)

and there are people who believe it was a setup.

But if you combine those two categories, I'd bet there a far more people who don't care.


I don't believe it was a setup but I don't believe that glass was worth 10 Million.


Does anyone really care whether or not the Kardashian robbery was a set up?
Every time her name is spoken, I mourn the fact that I have wasted seconds of my life thinking about her.


Does Anyone Actually Believe the Kim K. Robbery Was Not a Setup?
DUNNO and DON'T CARE, the K's are not politics , they're worse !

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