Public Transportation over Cars?

-Less deaths
-Less pollution
-Less debt
-Decrease amount of homeless people

This should be the way of the future, dont you think?


First off, how would it decrease homeless people?

Second, it wouldn't work in small towns. I live in a small town, and there's just no way a public transportation system could be efficient for us. Out here, we need cars.


Nobody seems able to build them without them becoming ridiculously expensive!

$68-billion California bullet train project likely to overshoot budget and deadline targets

What I think will actually happen is once they get self-driving cars functioning better, people may give up their own cars and call for rides on demand, rather than accommodating a fixed schedule public transportation system.


Only for large cities where buildings are close together. It doesn't make sense everywhere else. In suburban areas where stores and homes are spaced out you would still need a car to get around.


Less comfort
Faster spread of communicable disease
Expensive public works projects


Hell no. Public transportation follows fixed routes and its own schedule. If you had a job then you would learn that it is not feasible.

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