I`m having problems with this particular person, what should I do?

Ok, So I have a Teacher, Who is a TRUE ASSHAT to everyone, and I hated him since the begining of the year. I Started having Bad thoughts about him, having nightmare about him, and having Hallucinations about him as well. I Meet him twice a week, And these bad thoughts are bothering me, what should I do?


I hate that you have to deal with that. This is why I like being an adult being out on my own. Because I have the power to keep away from evil people like that. (Like moving to another rental if I hate my neighbors cause I only do month to month leases, or by suing someone for giving me trouble heheh, or like the fact that I won't have children with anyone unless I'm truly, whole-heartedly, entranced by love, so that no matter what happens, even being exploited for child support, I'll always forgive) Yep.


Talk to someone like a counselor. Especially if it is hallucinations you should absolutely see a counselor.

Start by maybe telling your parents. Do seek out help.