Why do people want the campaign season to end? It's not hurting us. It's not stressful on us. We just make a decision one or the other.?

That's not really stressful. Now, for Hillary and Trump, and the many Senators and Representatives. I can see why it's stressful for them.


Well you see, the general population believes in this wide spread lie that the vote of the common American MATTERS. YOU HAVE A SAY, they tell us. Little do they know, that's not how our government works. There's this thing called the Electoral College. They are the one's who vote for the president. In the end, it doesn't matter what the popular vote is, even though the popular vote is a good REPRESENTATION of how the college will vote. Technically, if NOBODY in the whole country voted, there would still be a vote to decide the presidency and the outcome would more than likely be the exact same. SO, this explains why there are so many people stressing and arguing over who to vote for.


It's stressful not because I needed to make a decision but because we don't know with complete certainty who will win.

Uncle Pennybags2016-11-05T23:13:02Z

I normally like election season and a vigorous and passionate debate of the issues.

This year has been different. It's been virtually no talk of the issues and all mud slinging about how your candidate is worse than mine. UGH!

Yes, I'm ready for it to be over, and I love talking about politics.