How do you say 'there is no privacy' (as in online) in French?

I think it may be 'il n'y a pas de vie privée' but I not confident... Can someone correct me please? This isn't homework, its is optional study.


Favorite Answer

"Vie privée" is just fine, if you are talking about exposing your life on FB, for example.*
Intimacy can also be translated by "intimité" but in this case it is not appropriated, as it is related to people relashionships : being very close to someone : nous sommes intimes
or "I've been seen naked by my neighbor, those curtains are to transparent, I have no privacy" : j'ai été vue nue par mon voisin, ces rideaux sont trop transparents, je n'ai pas d'intimité".
PS : google translation sucks.


😉 Bonjour, Hello

As a native French, I think your phrase is good.

~~ Have a nice day ~~

Cat. •That's all


Use Google translate next time.

The answer is: Il n'y a pas d'intimité.