IS THERE ANY POINT IN THE ROYAL FAMILY? These people over the years have been wealthy without lifting a finger.?

Don't Fear The Reaper2016-11-27T06:13:41Z

Rather like elite democrats here. Like the Clinton's. Who also never lift a finger but are massively wealthy no less than the Windsors. But, here too, many folks see the need for our own Royal family. Just no royal titles. Wouldn't want to get the ignorant natives all riled up.

The Germans seem to getting along fine without the Hohenzollern's. Now relegated to private life outside politics.

Anne Arkey2016-11-27T05:56:35Z

If you're talking about the British Royal Family, they account for billions in tourist and interst dollars for the country every year. But that's only the financial aspect. In a world where globalism and foreign interests want to do away with European cullture, Royalty is one of the last aspects of a nation's culture. When I go to England, I want to see British Royalty permeate the culture, not other "foreign" things.


1. They do a lot of ceremonial functions.
2. And they draw tourists by the thousands (and possibly millions). Ever been to a changing of the guards?? Tourists mean money - to lots of businesses & the country.

What would be the benefit of pitching them??