A guy lives in India he asks me to marry you . Does he want to marry you for green card?
I am girl .
I am girl .
Brother Hesekiel
Not sure if you are a troll or intellectually challenged.
A guy who lives thousands of miles away asks you to marry me? What are you smoking?
Marriage is the final stage of a relationship that has evolved through years of getting to know each other while having lived together under one roof. A "guy" asking for marriage without having been in a committed relationship is certainly not to be taken seriously, and I would not waste a second of my time on such a scammer.
My guess is that you are very disadvantaged in life, unable to find a man out of the pool of 330 million people in the United States, and I'm sorry that's the case, but try not to become the victim here.
ibu guru
Of course he's a Green Digger! He's looking for some sucker to give him a green card and greenbacks. He's only looking out for himself, to line his pockets with your cash, while you spend thousands getting him an immigration visa, then green card. Soon as he gets his green card (& your money, credit, etc.), he will dump you & bring in the wife he is already betrothed to.
Tell him to pay your way to India to meet him & his family, see how fast he dumps you. BTW, he has at least 3-5 other girls online he's feeding the same line to see which is the dumbest & pays out fastest.
it does not take a brain to figure out he jut wants a green card ,, the same as half the indian population
You soon find out if you say you will consider it but only if he sponsors you to live in India........... then you will find he dumps chatting to you and finds someone else.............. so you know the answer is yes he is trying to commit visa fraud and that impacts on you legally
Only you can determine that.
- How long have you known him?
-What is your relationship like?
-Would you want to marry him?
-Has he ever visited you in your country, and how was your relationship then?
-Do you see a long term relationship with him?
-Have you met his family and friends? Has he met yours?