how stupid is Kellogg in its fight with Breitbart?

How dumb can this company be.> a company that peddles obesity and diabetes pulling its advertisement from probably 45 million loyal customers. They just slit their own neck.
If you dont want to advertise on the network just let the contract expire, dont have a press conference about it. Do the morons of Kellogg not realize what just happened. One network has destroyed the faux newspapers, radio news and TV and Cable news networks


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And the vast majority of those 45 million customers don't care one way or the other about Breitbart.

Wes: i dont give thumbs down2016-12-01T09:07:52Z

Kellogg is an old nationwide known brand, pulling from a fake news source supporting a racist that more than half the country does not want as president will only make Kellogg look good


I'm done with Kellogg.


How stupid is Breitbart in it's fight with Kellog? A customer pulls its brand so Breitbart attacks it? WTF?

I will now support Kellog more than ever.

