Electing another black president, why do liberals like to ask these questions? Libs are programmed to think Obama was good.?


So, yeah, anyway, it's not a black president, it's Obama. Don't elect someone just because they're black or just because they're a woman or just because they're whatever, because that's how you get corrupt people like Obama and Hillary.


Liberals are not interested in voting for a black president merely because he's black. Since we tend to be quite well-educated, we do examine candidates based on merit. Personally, I was skeptical of Obama in 2008 because although he did have political experience (far more than Trump, I might point out, and he was considerably better educated, too), he didn't have quite enough experience to convince me that he was ready for the presidency.

However, he happened to have been both my state senator and national senator, which meant I knew quite a lot about him, and he'd spent 12 years teaching constitutional law at one of the nation's premiere law schools. Again, that represented far better qualifications than Donald Trump possesses, and yet HIS followers don't seem to care about qualifications.

If another black candidate comes along, I will assess him on qualifications. Liberals didn't go for Jesse Jackson when he ran, and I might point out that they didn't switch their allegiance to Ben Carson, merely because he was black.

As for whether Obama was "good," presidential historians and political scientists (who are far more qualified than you are to say) will be assessing his presidency for years to come. It's too early to come up with a final verdict, which means your evident view that he was a bad president merely betrays your lack of intelligence and thoughtfulness. However, the preliminary assessments are running in his favor. You might eventually be interested in the papers mentioned below.


8 years of job growth. Record stock market highs. Record oil production. More deportations than any president in US history. Unemployment at 4.6%. Cheap gas. Osama bin Laden and Castro are dead. No scandals, just 8 years of class and grace.

This is why Obama will be remembered as a top-5 president.

Thanks Obama!


1/ Not Liberls. "Regressives". Or SJW if you like. Hashtag NotAllLiberals.

2/ Its because there are certain people who have been "educated" in such a sway as to think that ALL white people are evil, and that only those people from certain social classes or races should be allowed to succeed in the modern world to "make up for the damage done" by other white people who are long dead.


Makes as much sense as regressives being programmed to believe Barry was a "failure".


Key word is 'black'. Identity politics are all that matter to them.

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