Do you get a warm feeling whenever a liberal blocks you on YA Politics?

We know that liberals have a hard time with facts, so when they are presented with them, does it give you a warm fuzzy feeling knowing they blocked you?

차가운 커피2016-12-09T20:08:47Z

Favorite Answer

It means they have no counter argument.


I don't know. I am blocked by most conservatives, such as Rick, Rob, Lucille, Hipsters Love Islam, etc.... About 30 of them have blocked me for answering their question in a way that made them butt hurt.

Anne Arkey2016-12-09T20:09:37Z

The only people who block me are butthurt conservatives who can't think outside their prejudices.


I don't know... I have cons block me all the time.


i don't get blocked by them im only blocked by cons

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