Taking the antilog, you have
.. x = 3^4/27^(2/3)*6^2
.. = 4*3^6/3^2
.. = 3^4/3^2*6^2
.. = 9*36
.. = 324
We say "log OF", not "log to"
log_0.1(x) = 4 log_0.1(3) − 2/3 log_0.1(27) + 2 log_0.1(6)
log_0.1(x) = log_0.1(3^4) − log_0.1(27^(2/3)) + log_0.1(6^2)
log_0.1(x) = log_0.1(81) − log_0.1(9) + log_0.1(36)
log_0.1(x) = log_0.1(81/9*36)
log_0.1(x) = log_0.1(324)
x = 324
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½⅓⅔¼¾⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅛⅜⅝⅞ ∪ ∩ ∈ λ μ
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