Can it be proved that there is not enough evidence to assume Christianity to be true?


Update: This is a positive statement made by many skeptics. Not enough evidence is frequently quoted and it's a positive statement. I'm asking if there is proof of that statement.


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The question is nonsense.
Assuming that a thing is true requires NO evidence. People do it all the time.
So: for ANYthing, you CANNOT prove that there is not enough evidence to assume that thing is true or false because there is no such thing as "not enough evidence to assume X is true".
Finally: **even if there were** such a thing as "not enough evidence to assume X is true", who would be the one to determine what is and what is not enough evidence? Such a determination is inherently subjective, and thus impossible to prove.

I emphasize that this applies not only to Christianity, but to ANYthing. Atheism. Black holes. Santa Claus. Your own existence. Etc.


In order to prove anything you need the majority of people to agree with you!

Now let me put a bug in your ear! If your good enough to persuade the world about religion
Don't be homer dumbfk stupid use that to get a real paying job like being president;


I disagree there is plenty of Reason to Believe Christians have some truth but there is also a modern Revelation and living prophecy where Jesus said with his own lips they are all wrong therefore we all need to come to the unity of the truth otherwise we are all not saved in a belief of lie


An assumption is, "a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof." So, christianity has precisely the amount of proof that is required to assume something, zero.


Since everything about Christianity is an assumption, by default that means no evidence exists to prove anything about Christianity is true. Rolls eyes

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