Is philosophy literature?


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I think it depends on the author. Literature is writing that intends to create beauty, not only to convey a message. For some philosophic authors, the literary expression in their writings is something they take seriously, others don't give any consideration to it, just want to pass the ideas through. For example, Bergson is usually considered a philosopher, but he was awarded the Nobel Prize of literature, because the writing, the vehicle he uses to convey his ideas, is very ellaborated and well crafted, even if you don't agree with the ideas communicated.


No. Philosophy literature is an english teacher/writer's attempt to give us philsophy.

Philosophy is more like, when you learn to ride a bike. Then you learn it. You don't have to go back and relearn it, you can just ride the bike.

It's that process, picking up information and making your life different because of it. Literature is just printed info bombs. Not exactly the same thing when you can get more philosophy out of a boxing class. Or going to the shooting range.


A pamphlet from the American Dental Association about gingivitis is literature. If you mean, is philosophy literary art, it can be, if the philosopher has a gift for writing especially beautiful words.

At this point, I have to hold my nose and quote the quotable Nietzsche -

"Philosophy must be weak if it needs the support of poetry."

To that, we might say that some people refine their rhetorical skills because they want people to listen to them.


No.. Literature is about writing. I guess you can write about philosophy like Aristotle. I think philosophy is more like a thought. It's about thinking.


Not all philosophy is written down, so only philosophical writing is literature. Something not written is not considered literature.

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