Are liberals really so blinded by hate that they seriously believe that the president-elect is a KGB agent?


There is no KGB anymore. You're thinking of the FSB and nobody thinks that. Though I do enjoy that the big proponents of a strong national defense, the conservatives that cheered when the Bush administration, Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc used terrorism as an opportunity to roll back personal freedom, are now so nonchalant about a foreign government stealing national security data.


A KGB agent?
No Putin realizes that Trump is far to idiotic and far to big mouthed to be an agent.
But in their hacks does the KGB have some juicy and damaging info on Trump?
Without a doubt.

Moscow Mitch2016-12-30T14:01:26Z

Lol, Putin was a KGB agent. There's pictures of him in the "crowd" when Reagan was visiting.


Reagan had to dismiss 55 Russian sleeper agents in the past.

Darryl Bullock2016-12-30T13:54:10Z

Yeah, I know about as bad as in or about 2009 59% of conservatives thinking or believing president Obama was a Muslim attempting to make good on a world jihad, go figure? Smh at your ridiculous question.

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