When was the last time the national popular vote elected the President of the United Sates?

By the way, I will even give you the answer. NEVER. The electoral college has ALWAYS elected our president.


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Never, we have a thing in this country called the Electoral College.


In 2012. Obama won the popular vote.

You're correct that it's the electoral college which is technically what counts towards someone becoming president. But for pretty much all of American history the electoral college has been a rubber stamp which has ratified the will of the people. That's how it's supposed to be. We're supposed to live in a democracy where the will of the people matters. If we look at Barack Obama he won the popular vote twice. George W Bush won it in 2004. Bill Clinton won it twice. So did Ronald Reagan. The electoral college worked the way its supposed to work in these cases.

In 2016 it failed. Donald Trump got three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. He was rejected by the American people. But he gets to become president because of a quirk of the electoral college.


Sure, and that *usually* reflects the popular vote, unless the winner of the electoral college is deeply flawed. Dubya was the last to lose the popular vote and win anyway, and he's been the worst president in recent memory. Trump lost the vote by even more, and promises to make W. look competent by comparison.


Usually presidents win both.

Angus McAssholerson2016-12-30T22:06:26Z

Never, the EC was established in 1787.

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