Where can I download a drive for my Fujifilm A160/A170 10.2 magapixel camera.?

I want to upload photos from the camera but don't have the original DVD's that came with it. I've had the camera for over 10 years and it's discontinued. I can't find the drive online. Help please.


Favorite Answer

The day you can download a drive is the day I can download a hamburger.


Drives are hardware stuff. What you need is the software in the drive. That software can be downloaded from Fujifilm's website.

You DON'T NEED Fujifilm's software to copy photos from the camera. You only need a USB card reader to connect your camera's memory card directly to the computer or gadget's USB slot then use Windows Explorer, (Mac) Finder or whatever File Manager your device has to do the copying manually. This way you will be in total control of the copying process and be sure the photos do not get modified in the process.


Put the camera's card in a USB card reader. Look for the DCIM file, cut and paste. Edit the photos in either the free GIMP photo editor or the more basic Irfranview.


Take the card out and use a card reader - you don't need any special software to move the files around.

