19 year old college student anxious with women, advice?

This seems very weird but okay. It s never been a difficult issue to attract and flirt with girls but it s hard to ask them out. In the past I ve been played, used, manipulated, and taken advantage of by most of the girls that I have been interested in; either that or they have boyfriends and are cheating. It s gotten to the point where I talk to girls and we ll get super flirty and touchy but I ll never make a move. I don t believe that they actually like me and are playing me or trying to use me in some way. Sometimes I don t even wanna try. I gave some hot waitress my phone number the other day(she never texted me tho for whatever reason, I don t care why), so I guess it s a start in the right direction.


Well first of all, girls rarely text you first. You'd have increased your odds of getting with the waitress if you had asked for her number and then texted her...not hope for the other way around.

As for the being skeptical of a girl's intentions...that's totally valid based on the experiences you've had. It sounds to me like you may not have been pursuing the best of girls. Try going after different types of girls...ones with different personalities and values than you have been with previously. Try looking in different places. Also, it's important to make your intentions with a girl clear from the start. Perhaps you've been giving them the impression that your more interested in a "friends with benefits" sort of deal rather than a relationship.
Finally, don't let those past scars get to you too much. As you grow up, the women mature and start getting serious about good relationships rather than play games. There is reason to feel optimistic my friend. Good luck!


Waitresses are working for tips, so they're going to pretend to be more interested than they really are. Hitting on a waitress isn't the best way to get a girlfriend. It makes me wonder where you're meeting the other women that you've had bad luck with. For instance, clubs might not be the best place to meet a serious girlfriend because often times girls are just there for a night of fun. If you have friends, you might want to ask them to introduce you to girls who are good people. Also, if you have a hobby that you're interested in, sometimes meeting people through groups for that hobby can be a good way to get to know them first before getting too involved.


Just be yourself. Don't over think things, just do it. If you think you should make a move, make a move. If you think you shouldn't make a move, do it anyway, see how it goes, be over the top, too confident and whatever else. What do you have to lose?