Does anyone else experience quirky behavior with Yahoo Answers?


I see the following behaviors constantly:

(1) Waiting on
(2) Waiting on
(3) I get a message saying "Question does not exist or is under review", but a refresh shows the question does exist.
(4) The web page's "focus" (I don't know the technical term) isn't in the area with the answers. In other words, the thumb up/thumb down, comment, and "add your answer" buttons/areas do not work. It's like the focus is over in the "trending" frame.


After I refresh four or five times, it works. Once. Then one of the four issues above happens again.

This happens in all browers and in both Windows 7 and 10.

I've seen something about cleaning out my browser cache. Did that. No help.

Am I really the only one seeing this?

I don't see this kind of behavior on any other site.


Oh. Forgot one. Sometimes, the page is just blank. This question, for instance. I refreshed the page and it was blank. I refreshed it again and the page's information was back.


Favorite Answer

Yes everyone is getting those messages.
You have to wait at least 30 seconds to answer a question,to TU's or TD's,to report etc etc before you can do anything.
It is another of Yahoo Famous glitches, we have all seen this before on and off for many weeks and months.
All you can do is try to refresh it, make sure your history and caches are clear too.
We may never see any improvements until Verizon takes over..
I urges users to quit posting questions until this is fix.


im having many of those probs, i think most of us are.

im on firefox w/ AdBlockPlus, win7 lap, fast connection.

i think these probs are a result of y's top management deciding in 2015 to "dis-invest" in its websites that are not "strong performers," tht is not profitable enough,

and that included ya.

so staff hrs @ ya were reduced, and the work done here was less & lower quality.

x what-should-yahoo- get-rid of. Nov 2015
“The struggling Internet giant is trying to decide which services it should keep or dump…”
"Yahoo Answers should go said Jan Dawson, an independent technology analyst.”
“That's because Q&A sites like Quora do a better job, he said."
“Yahoo CFO Ken Goldman confirmed Yahoo would ‘dis-invest’ in those services that weren't strong performers.”.
“Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s plans include cost-cutting and layoffs…” apr 2016
. yahoo-announces- plans-to-kill- off-games-livetext- boss-and- more-regional-sites/
“Yahoo wants to focus on just seven core consumer products: Mail, Search, Tumblr, News, Sports, Finance, and Lifestyle.
x Nytimes March 2016 yahoos-weak-board directors-
“It’s hard to believe, but after all these years,
Yahoo’s board of directors is still a contender for America’s worst corporate board."
. mar 28 2016
“Yahoo's Problem? A Massive Lack of Leadership at the Top.”
