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Lv 7
Lark asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 9 years ago

Has anyone else experienced these quirky glitches on Yahoo Answers? Is there anything I can do to resolve them?

Please note that I'm not actually complaining about the glitches so much as being curious about them. These are the quirks I've experienced lately:

~ Double points for "best answers." This has happened sporadically for a while now. If a question I've answered has five thumbs up and is chosen as the best, rather than being awarded 15 points I'll get 30. I am wondering if one of these days they're going to dock my account in one go of all those double points. That would be fair since I haven't earned them, but I wouldn't want to suddenly have my account docked a massive amount either.

~ Winning appeals but not having the answers reinstated. I've had a user with multiple accounts harassing me since my mid-teens when I started using the site, and he'll frequently report my answers if they are chosen as the best over his or are getting more votes even if they aren't a violation of any kind. I don't check my mail here that often, so when I get the notice it's usually past the appeal deadline. However, when I have appealed, I've gotten a response back weeks later saying that I've won it and the content will be restored, but it's not. I do get the points back, but I've never cared about the points anyway; I just want my answers back up. This has happened three times.

~ Inability to select a best answer and resolve my questions. I currently have several open questions, and the system isn't letting me resolve any of them. I'll pick the answer, write out the comment, select the stars, and hit submit, and then......the page will just go back to the question without having resolved it. All the questions are several days old but still open, so they're eligible for being resolved. I've gone through this process a couple of times now and had the same thing happen. I thought that maybe it was because I was on my iPad, but on my laptop the same issue occurs. I always prefer to resolve questions when I can because I have so many thoughtful contacts who take the time to craft excellent answers, and I like to acknowledge them.

~ Not being able to submit an answer. I just wrote a long, detailed answer for one of my contacts, and the system refuses to let me submit it. I did cut it down to make sure it was within the character limit. I just saved the answer to my notepad app to try to submit it later. Her question is still open, so I don't know why it won't submit. I'm obviously not blocked or anything, so that's not the problem either.

~ Not being able to edit longer answers. I tend to write all my answers after midnight as a way of unwinding my mind before going to bed, and at that time I'm more prone to making errors. I then go back and try to correct them and get mildly frustrated when I can't. On shorter answers I can edit them without a glitch, but on longer ones I get an error message that Y!A is unavailable.

I only have a bit of time to spend on here every week, and it would be lovely if it wasn't consumed dealing with glitches. Is there anything I should try doing to resolve them, or is this just something to wait for Y!A to fix?


I actually have gotten double points, though. Tonight I didn't receive duplicate emails, but I did receive double points for each BA.

6 Answers

  • .
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi lark : ) how's your week?

    yes, me too for most of this~ and i can add another couple youve not mentioned- screen goes fuzzy, and stars don't always stay where ive put them.

    points~ you cleared up something for me~ i couldnt understand why some answers get 10 points for BA and other 11~ its thumbs up getting an extra point? interesting! ive noticed double points (20, 22 etc) a couple of times when ive been online when the BA was awarded, so i assume it must have happened other times and escaped my notice. i doubt they'd snatch it back from us; too complex, as it'd affect the levels which people have gained, and the extra privileges.

    appeals~ ive not even heard back 90% of the time ive appealed. ive been unfairly reported for 'hate speech and violence' several times- boring, waffling, just plain wrong- YES, but hate filled? no. VERY annoying. on the Qs i was reported for i was anyway answering really Qs like shops in london etc, ha ha; my controversial pro marks and spencer opinons :D

    trouble giving BA~ yes, ive had it happen too. if anything is really bugging you, you can report it on the yahoo suggestions board~ its actually well monitored, and they do take notice. i reported being unable to give BA from my iphone and itouch, and it started working for me after that. it happened a couple of times from my laptop recently, but i just assumed it was oneofthosethings, rather than a whole systems failure, like there has been recently w people not being able to change thier avatars, or give BA from phones. you can be annonymous if you want to, which is quite helpful :D i also imagine that it might be a mac issue? lots of software runs less well/dfferently on macs, though of course~ we dont get viruses :D its not all bad. also try chrome etc over safari.

    submitting answers~ i also write long answers, & frequently get 'OOOps something has gone wrong' flash up~ it happens most often when i stuff too much into the sources box, which i dont think you do. it happened last night when i hadnt done that, just 67532473460926436497517 too many words in the answer box... its never permanently refused me; ive always been able submit after a couple of tries. again~ maybe try something other than safari?? also try deleting history and cookies.

    editing long answers~ OOOps/ temporarily unavailable again?? yes, i get it too (QED, ha ha). i just try a couple of times, or open a new window.

    ok, so the two which you havent mentioned are....

    ***here's a pic of screengonefuzzy from my ipod. the page loads as usual, shivers for a second, then turns fuzzy. its DEF a yahoo issue as no other site has ever done it. the page is still moveable and clickable, just blurredly out of focus.

    ***stars disappear~ i thought for a while this was questions being deleted, as i tend to star things when im on the bus or in the library etc, then go back later to read or answer, but its not. i know it happens if you open a Q, star it, then go back to the index page, which is a tiresome programming issue. but it also happens if you star a Q without opening it :(

    do visit the suggestions board with some of this stuff. i dont know it was a problem local to my area or a coincidence, but after i reported the cant-give-BA-from-my-phone issue, if certainly stopped the next day for me :D

    i get more annoyed about bullying~ either against me, or not being able to report it to others, than tech issues in fact. grrrrr.

    hope youre flourishing and well in the fall sunshine. im nocturnal in the winter twilight and mist :D

  • I haven't had all of them personally but am aware of most of them from reading here and on the Answers

    ~ Double points for "best answers." >>> Yep I've had this and the other answer is incorrect (again) because it does record 2 x 10 points. I've emailed the team about this and they said they are aware of the glitch but as it's a glitch that doesn't have a negative effect then it's on the list, but low priority which is understandable

    ~ Winning appeals but not having the answers reinstated. >>> I've never had this or seen it. Are the questions still open? There has been talk about content not being reinstated on questions which have been removed but anything I've had reinstated has appeared back up. it might be a good idea to send an example to YAT. The email is

    ~ Inability to select a best answer and resolve my questions >>> yes this seems to be a problem and does not seem to be solved by clearing cached files. There is a glitch which does not allow you to assign 5 stars, but you can award 4 stars. This seems to solve some of the problems, but lately there are complaints that even this doesn't work either.

    ~ Not being able to submit an answer >>> when that happens I copy the text (I wrote) to notepad and opened the question from new and pasted the text and it works. It does seem to happen when you've been writing a long answer and presumably it's gone into time out. Reopening and pasting the text has solved it when I've had that problem.

    Yep it's a pain sometimes with all these glitches.... but (call me sadistic) it's almost like it wouldn't be Y!A if we didn't have to craft a workaround to use Answers. :D

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Lucky You ;-D

    -- I often get duplicate emails announcing BA for the same Q but Never double points ! I simply follow instructions & do my victory dance Again ;-))) My form of happy exercise .

    -- In fact, I have sometimes noticed that I don't even get the points for thumbs up to that Q. Oh well, points don't really matter. I prefer interesting & thought-provoking Qs, feedback from asker, interaction if necessary, & a decent percentage.

    -- I frequently have problems editing my answer too. And, note, it has nothing to do with the answer being long or short, in my experience. A recent case in point, where I wanted to add a few more links & ideas :;_ylt=AsMOp... I've tried the new window stuff, And tried on subsequent days too, to no avail.

    -- Another problem I face is trying to give TU. Sometimes I keep clicking, holding the key awhile [assuming it takes time to process], ... at times it works, at others it does not. However, I have also happily tho' frustratingly noticed a Quirk : when it finally says "sorry, we couldn't mark TU, try again later" (or words to that effect), it has Actually gotten saved !!! Go figure.

    --- I encountered a great deal of trouble a couple years back, including uploading my answer despite opening new windows, copying & pasting again, …. Turned out my Browser was infected or corrupted – happens over time. I changed to Opera & things were back to “normal”.

    At the time, I even started typing out my answers on Word (copy & paste) rather than directly online. And I used to email it to my contacts.

    --- Recently, I have this notion that Perhaps when I access my Y!A account through my Yahoo!Mail, I face more glitches than if I have accessed it directly. Just a hunch; have yet to observe carefully before final conclusion.

    It just happened ! I took so long answering that the answer wouldn't lift off !

    Fortunately, I'd moved to Word midway, so my A was saved. Lets try again.

    --- I’ve had 2 As reported. I still don’t know the reason. This, I find, is a Major shortcoming. All the answers contained, as many of mine do, was ideas of what to knit or craft And links to the same.

    My appeals didn’t work. Fine. But I had no Context about the Q, no date/time when it was answered, no reason given for report, no Q to go & check, ….absolute vacuum except for my own answer which upon repeated reading I could find no fault with.

    I have a suggestion about this. Just as the rest of Y!A is pretty democratic & open, this Also should be more open. Any reported Q/A should be put up to vote. Let the Y!A community decide whether it deserves to be deleted/scrapped out or not. Why is it such a secretive process ?!

    As an Asker :

    Unable to give 5 stars while resolving

    Unable to add additional details – v frustrating !

    Difficulty resolving – faced that. Takes a bit of perseverance for it to be accepted. Reclick, reclick, reclick,.. . clickety-click ! Let your fingers dance over the keys while it debates &/or processes ;-)

    --- For many of the ‘problems’ I’ve listed, reloading the page does help mostly. [probably the ‘cache files’ mentioned by oklatono….].

    Sometimes one just has to go back & forth & issue is resolved. Waste of time.

    --- Never begin your answer with @ , a live link, or some such symbol. Always begin with proper text. I arrived at this observation & conclusion after a lot of tribulation.

    I think I've just ranted without offering any solutions ?!! Much as I Love Y!A, it does get my goat at times ;-) Thanks for reading patiently, if you have .

    Only after splitting my answer was I able to upload it !

  • 9 years ago

    The inability to pick BA is the only one new to me, and clearing the cache does seem to be the point to the problems.

    Coming here freshly scrubbed can seem to help. (Perhaps it's the new-car-smell effect.)

    Yes, you Do get 20 points sometimes. Not that that makes up for the rest.

    And actually getting a response to an appeal lately would seem to be it's own form of 'glitch'; a rarely occurring phenomenon, seldom experienced and much debated.

    Sort of like yeti sightings.

    Come to think of it, this place would definitely qualify as a (very) used car; basic transportation, nothing new or particularly functional about it. And no new-car-smell at all...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The double emails for the same best answer is a well known glitch, you do NOT get ten points twice. It's an EMAIL glitch, not a statistics glitch

    Winning an appeal but not having the answer reappear on the main display or in your activity is probably an email related glitch or just a time delay in one program triggering another computer program because of limited bandwidth

    Inability to select a best answer means you need to clear your cache. Yahoo puts hundreds of tacking cookie files on your hard drive that takes a lot of memory and bandwidth, so it slows down your computer when you try to choose a best answer. Your computer just doesn't have enough power to make a complete connection You get caught in computer code command loop. Just clear you're cache files . Here's the instructions for how to do that:

    Same thing for not being able to submit an answer - Clear your cache files

    Same thing for not being able to edit long answers. The long answer is consuming bandwidth on your hard drive and a Yahoo server's hard drive at the SAME time. Clear your cache files.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Lucy in the sky with diamonds!

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