How much time should I spend practicing chess?

I'm ranked a little under 1000 on and I think 700 in local tournaments. I play chess everyday and it's fun playing and learning. If I could spend around 1 hour each day studying chess, how should I split the time from playing/learning/going over games etc. ?

(I usually play rapid games)


Professor Armitage2017-01-07T00:00:53Z

Favorite Answer

How many games have you played on I've only played about 50 games in rapid and 20 in blitz over 2 months. However, I also have played 50 or so games on in the past 2 months also. I have a rating around 1400 in both rapid and blitz. I expect that number to drop significantly when I get to 100 games or 500 games. It seems the longer you play the lower it gets. It is just the way the point system is. In your one hour you might want to play say a 20 minute game, analyze it on the computer analysis board for ten minutes, do tactics for 10 minutes, and do one of the lessons for another ten minutes, and of course the Daily Puzzle. That's about what I do.