Any good tips for staying away from drinking after quitting?

I was once a heavy drinker and I knew it wasn t good for me so I cut back but yesterday I was under a lot of stress and gave in to the desire to "drink the pain away" Does anyone have good tips for staying strong when it seems all hope is lost?


Start smoking instead! No, but honestly be head strong, you make your own decisions you chose to pick up the drinks again and you know that the more you keep giving in to the drinks the more you'll drink and then you'll be right back at square 1 again.

Avoid stressful situations when you can this is important if you ever want to kick the stuff, it's an addiction and like any addiction you need to avoid being near it.

Tom thumb2017-01-08T05:36:36Z

Have someone you can call when you feel like drinking to help you keep your commitment not to drink.