Are the people out of work because they are hooked on welfare, or because there aren't enough jobs available for all Americans?


Millions and millions of people have jobs and still have to rely on welfare because their jobs pay so low they can't survive otherwise.

The GDP per worker has tripled since 1960, meaning workers produce three times the wealth now thanks to automation and increased efficiency, but our pay is roughly the same as it was then and minimum wage is slightly lower all values adjusted for inflation.)

Where's all that extra wealth going? Into the pockets of the rich, while the working poor need help from the government for health care, food and living expenses. The real leeches are the rich, not the working class poor people. They're the ones freeloading off the nation, sucking our blood dry and turning us into a third-world country.


Most people are on welfare because they have no choice. There aren't enough jobs that pay a living wage, especially for those with families to support, out there for all Americans.


It all comes down to whether or not you have a little piece of paper that says you know something. If you don't pay thousands of dollars for that piece of paper then your earning potential is limited to about 20-30k a year. And honestly, some people just don't have the mental capacity to succeed in today's information and technology based economy.


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Or Obama bringing in illegals to "do the jobs that Americans ( on welfare) refuse to do"

Self fulfilling prophesy.

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