Can I deer hunt using land mines on private property?

There are alot of deer in the backyard and sometimes they scare the kids.


Sure you can.
The restriction is Land Mines, besides their mfg cost also require a $2,000 Treasury Tax Stamp each.
Also the United Nations frowns up them.
And, Your kids are as likely to activate them as the deer.

Further, You cannot kill them unless it is hunting season, or you can prove a financial loss due to significant crop damage.

Better than having Rotting deer corpses littering the yard, and limiting the kids play room

Plant along the border of the property:
Deer rely heavily on their sense of smell so adding strongly scented herbs—from garlic and chives, to mint and lavender will stop them.


Land mines would be an extreme danger to those kids. There are many easier ways to scare them off.

Why are they frightened of deer?

YYYZZ 22017-01-17T11:32:31Z

Landmines are illegal all over the world. Thus, NO!


I thik that a fence would be the better solution.


you goingn to blow your child up

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