Obama bragged that one of his top accomplishments was opening public restrooms up to the transgender community. Seriously?

Eight years as PRESIDENT OF THE FREAKIN' UNITED STATES, the most powerful and influential nation in the world, and toilet reassignment is one of his greatest accomplishments?

And the left wonders why they lost. You can't make this stuff up.


If you happen to be on of those ignorant people who think transgender people don't exist and you can't comprehend how DNA/RNA could create such a human then you need to get some shine on your head and grow up.


The nation is in the toilet because of the hedonistic left, Obama is merely their poster boy.


I wouldnt criticize him for not doing much considering republicans in congress were openly against the idea of him doing literally anything. It wasnt even a matter of ideology most of the time, it was just deadlock for deadlock's sake.


Hillary WON by 3 million votes


Obama did not say that.

P.S. Prove me wrong if you can. What exactly did he say and when? Proper citing is crucial to making a credible and persuasive argument.

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