How funny is it that Mexico is angry that the U.S. is building a wall to stop Mexicans from entering the U.S. illegally?

That's like your neighbor is pissed because you have locks on you're doors. What does that tell you? Who is the problem here. Sure isn't us!

Demsey Dumpster2017-02-08T08:35:41Z

Last time i went to Mexico, we went down to La Paz and while driving down the peninsula You can't help to notice all the trash that is strewn along the highway and when you see the homes, some of them made from tin and cardboard, but there is always a tall cement wall around the house and at the top of the walls is barbed wire and broken glass chards stuck in the cement. It seemed to me, these people don't trust each other for sure.


I have seen bus loads of criminals being unloaded at the Rio Grand to cross into the USA. Thanks Obama.




They are angry because they are going to have to deal with the trash and can't just throw them into the United States.


I hope they don't boycott us. Then where will get our stuffed bullfrogs, and tacos.

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