Should I share this with my mom?

I am a 16 year old girl with a beautiful 36 year old single mom. We are very close and I feel I can share most things with her. Many of the guys I know and even some of the girls tell me that I have a hot and sexy mom. I am not sure how I should feel about that. Should I tell her what they said? Is that a complement that she would appreciate? A couple of older guys I know ask me to set them up with a date with mom. Do I dare share that with her?

If you were my mom, would you want me to share this info with you?

Thanks for your advice.


Thanks for answering my question!
I think you should tell your mom.
It would make her day :)

Thanks again!


I wouldn't share specific details. Just generalize playfully.
I'm sure it would make her day. :-)