Could somebody please solve this equation?? I have tried over, and over and cannot get the right answer!?

(The division signs are meant to be fractions.)

Solve for X:

p.s ; This is not homework, I'm trying to study for my future exam on the subject and i can't seem to get the answer he has provided for the problem!

Marley K2017-02-02T01:52:15Z

Favorite Answer

Solve for X:

please use ( ) to show fractions.

(6/5)x + 5/3 - (330/28)x + 33/8 = (9/8)x - (3/2)x

rewrite with all x-terms on the left and everything else on the right:
(6/5)x - (330/28)x - (9/8)x + (3/2)x = - 5/3 - 33/8

combine the fractions on the left with a common denominator of 280, and on the right with a common denominator of 24:
(-336/280 - 3300/280 - 315/280 + 420/280)x = -40/24 - 99/24

combine numerators over the common denominators on both sides:
(-3531/280)x = -139/24

multiply both sides by the reciprocal of the left side:
x = (-139/24)(-280/3531)

multiply & reduce:
x = 4865/9837




6/5x +10/6 - 330/28x + 33/8 = 9/8x - 3/2x

10/6 +33/8 = -6/5x +330/28x +9/8x -3/2x

common denominators

80/48 + 198/48 = -48/40x + 45/40x - 60/40x + 330/28x

278 = -63/40x + 330/28x

278 = -341/ 1120x + 370/1120x

278/1 = 29/1120x


311360x = 29

x= 29/ 311360