So DACA stays? Now I have a lot less faith in Donald Trump, are you fricken kidding me?


Why? Because you don't believe these kids, who are caught in the middle, deserve a break? Frankly, I think we should have some kind of program that would help these people become citizens over a period of time, say 5 to 10 years. They should be expected to study for and pass the citizenship exam as well as do some volunteer work or military service for a few years. At the end of all this, they become citizens. If they are unwilling to do this, they can be sent back from where they came.


DACA is unconstitutional. Congress should pass a law addressing it if the government wants it revoked. Issuing an executive order reversing an unconstitutional executive order is not the way to go. Yes, people are killed frequently by persons who are here illegally due to DACA, or likely here due to that. Jill Sundberg, Casey Engelsberg, and I'm sure there are quite a few more. But there are so many other things to address. Firing Obama traitors from the bureaucracy and reining in the treasonous america hating bureaucracy. Filling the 103 empty judicial seats, getting the cabinet approved, passing the reins act, tax reform, etc. etc. Plus you may have full scale civil war if DACA were addressed by Trump. So I say Trump gets a pass on this one. Let some brave senator or representative introduce legislation fixing it. Its not like they are doing anything else.

Al Capone2017-02-22T03:17:41Z

He promised to repeal Obamacare the first day also. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah suckers!


We did try to tell you before the election that he couldn't possibly do the things he was promising you. Presidents are not dictators, even when they want to be.


Someone needs to scrub the toilets

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