Why are people so against welfare?

So i really need someone to explain this concept to me because I am Simply baffled by how a person can look them self's in the mirror when they hold these views. Welfare, yes some people abuse it but not all and even with the belief that these people are lazy; Welfare money is not money being used on royalties. Its money used to buy food, keep people in homes (imagine how your home town would look filled with homeless people) and create some sort of balance among society, (facts are some people have it easier than others) and most ironically this is money that goes right back into the economy as isn't being put in banks, its money spent. so how can someone seriously complain about it, yes some lazy abusive people take advantage of it but in the most part if you suddenly lost everything you would want a system to help to be in place. To say i oh its socialist, oh its whatever, seems incredibly selfish to me. Specially considering these people complaining live fine lives without this money being taken out.


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selfishness mainly, and an inability to recognise that the unfair advantages they had should be given to everyone for an equal society(how did they get their jobs? who paid for their education and training? not them).
They also have this amazing belief that people are unemployed or poor because thy are lazy, that's the case for a tiny minority of people. Most people are unemployed because they can't find work, or work in crap jobs because they didnt have the life chances other people had.
Even die hard socialists view benefit fraud as a crime.

and to say tax is stealing... what about the diabled, the chronically ill who cant fend for themselves? leave them to die? what about the fact you got an eudcation paid for by government, drive on roads and use other amenities (electrical and water works infrastructure) that the goverment pays for?
some might say it was immoral to allow people to fall into an extreme poverty trap. There is also the debate of what is a basic right and what is a privelige to be earned


They are ignorant rubes who buy into the "welfare queens who buy lobster and filet mignon" myth because somebody found ONE receipt once in a parking lot with no context or explanation about it, but the internet and politicians ran wild with it and decided it's a normal, every day thing.

Or they saw a person swipe a food stamp card while talking on a cell phone their parents might pay, or get into a car they purchased before a devastating, impoverishing job loss (or that they borrowed from their mommy).

Basically poor people don't look poor enough so they decide that most of them are just abusing the system without actually knowing their stories. They ignore basic facts about welfare, statistics of households who receive some sort of government aid that are working households and/or permanently providing long-term care for a disabled or elderly relative, and things like that. They ignore how tiny a sliver these programs actually have in the national budget and, like idiots, praise their politicians and policymakers for slashing these budgets as if they'd made some meaningful contribution to cutting overspending.

The short answer is that most people I know who are anti-welfare are, quite frankly, stupid, ignorant, and narrow-minded. They seem utterly incapable of critical thought, they tend to believe everything they read on the internet, some dude they go to Church with said it so obviously it's as good as word of God, etc. They are just profoundly stupid people. They're also sharing "kill the wolves in Idaho" rancher propaganda on Facebook and other idiotic bullshit.

I know very few people who oppose welfare while actually understanding the system, statistics, its place in the budget, etc. Most of them would prefer to see tighter regulation or other reform rather than getting rid of it entirely.