Why do i have crazy dreams they wake me up?


😉 Bonjour, Hello

If you are anxious, so it's the cause!
Most time insomnia comes from anxiety.

~~ Have a nice day ~~


😉 Bonjour, Hello

If you are anxious, so it's the cause!
Most time insomnia comes from anxiety.

~~ Have a nice day ~~


😉 Bonjour, Hello

If you are anxious, so it's the cause!
Most time insomnia comes from anxiety.

~~ Have a nice day ~~


Because you think crazy in the day time and at night they are shown back to u as dreams


😉 Bonjour, Hello

If you are anxious, so it's the cause!
Most time insomnia comes from anxiety.

~~ Have a nice day ~~

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