Paperwork to sign at end of lease (with GM Financial)?

I have a lease (my first) that is going to be up soon.

Technically, my car was in an accident - as I hit a five gallon bucket in the middle of the expressway.

I replaced the most glaring damage, and was hoping to get by without the rest of the (inconsequential, to me) damage being noticed by whomever checks over the car when it s turned in.

All that being said, I m wondering whether I ll have to sign paperwork that states that the vehicle was never in an accident.
I m an honest guy, and my conscience will not allow me to sign it, if that s the case.


You said it yourself, you're an honest guy. That must mean you know what honesty is, which in turn means you know what being dishonest is. There is only one way to honestly say you're an honest guy, and it's not always easy. You know what that way is, and you know there are no exceptions.

If you were a girl, you would have several options available. Ever notice how guys lie and girls never do? That's because girls (and politicians, and lawyers but that's beside the point) have this ability to take the truth and twist it around into an unrecognizable pretzel, but the truth is still kind of in there so technically it's not a lie. You're not a girl (or a lawyer), so you can't do that. You're a guy, which means truth or lie are your only options.

Besides, do you really think GM Financial has never seen anyone try that trick before? Really? This is what their appraisers do for a living every single day, and you're thinking of trying it for the first time ever. Who do you think has just slightly the upper hand at winning the game here?

You don't need to hear it from me, you already know the answer. But at least you can look people dead in the eye and say you're an honest man. Some day, and you never know when that day will come, you'll be glad you can still do that.


Honesty is the best policy. If the damage was repaired and their was no police report, they may list it as normal wear and tear. You will do the right thing in the end. I trust you.