i can't stop suffering this break up can't be real?

my girlfriend or idk what we are now said she needed some "time" that she feels like half of her wants to be with me the other half is scared and wants to run she's been feeling like that for the past few months... and at first I thought okay Ill slow it down and I ask does she see herself with another person or the grass is greener? she said no not at all, she was in a previous long relationship before and she said she's just not open to it in some ways so I said okay well if you ever change your mind you know how to get a hold of me! we haven't talked for a few days and I can't stop crying I'm 26 she is 26 as well work is hard and the day to day has been hard the night time is so hard especially I just miss her man even typing that it breaks my heart and makes me cry why can't she just ... ah I GUESS ITS HER LOSS right? but how do I sTOp the tears... please... someone anyone.. I haven't told my family or anyone I don't want them to see me like this so stranger online... will you help me ;( ;( ;( ;(;( ;( ;( ;(


we been together for 2 years...


I've been through this before.
I suggest that if you really miss her and still want to be with her, you should flat out tell her.
talk it over with her again, and if she doesn't comply with your feelings...then its best to leave things the way it is between you guys. At least you have tried.

Usually when the one person calls for a break out of the relationship, they want out. you guys been together for two years. She may have lost feelings for you, but some are still there. Within those days you guys are not talking, she does miss you too. Don't beat yourself up over this, talk to her about it. Its her loss if she don't want to make it work with you. Then You'll meet someone better :)

Suzy Suzee Sue2017-02-28T07:47:52Z

Sounds like an abusive two year relationship to me! If she can't make up her mind whether she wants to be with you after two years, then definately there is a problem! Unfotunately, you cannot control other people's behavior. You also have to respect the fact that if she wants OUT of the relationship, then you have to do what she wishes. It's not just for you to decide unfortunately, for a relationship takes two. Two people working towards caring for one another, loving and respecting them. If needs aren't met, then either one has to change/alter or make some sacrifices (going to be hard), or maybe end the relationship (for now) and or make it a friendship. Unfortunately, there are hardly any consice or strict rules when it comes to relationships. that is the risk you take! Good luck and hope she changes her mind.. you never know! Think positive!