School is useless.?

I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test,... show more. This time no stupid leftist answers.



Mother Hubbard2017-02-28T19:21:50Z

Schools tend to be useless, in the sense that they aren't needed for an individual's education.
They have little effectiveness.

Schools harm certain personality types and empower others. Schools contain he youth- and segregate society.
Schools employ certain types of workers in certain jobs- social engineering...

Schools are beloved of fascists. But it doesn't HAVE to be this way.


they dont actually teach you how to achieve anything do they .. you would likely get a much better education in a private school ..


Well, jobs are like school, but worse. And the worse you do in school, the worse jobs you will get.