Who writin all them blogs?

There blogs about everything, yo. Go on that askjeeves s*** and u find like blogs about how to make food outta animals that shouldn't be no food. It's like, somebody just sittin there waitin for my question about Chilean monkey taxidermy and BOOM! They write a blog. Making new pants out of old shirts? H*** yes, son! Blogged. How did people know I was gonna ask that? I didn't know until I did! Them internet folks must be d*** psychics, yo. That some fresh s***.



are you drunk when you answer questions? because i want to know what brand youre on? i want some too.


All different people. They've got to earn an income somehow and writing is their choice. Some do it for free.
Humans are carnivores and are meant to eat other animals for proper nutrition. There are other carnivore animals around aside from humans.